When I looked up at the clear night sky, gazing into the deep black celestial heavens filled with tiny flickering points of light, I got for a moment, in my mind, teleported into another realm of reality. As if the things out there were something completely separate and very different from our own familiar world here on Earth. But however different it may have seen to me, it always felt like it was something more real than anything else I've experienced in any other moment of my life. It was indeed an invitation for my curious mind to delve deep into the seemingly superior and broader scale of reality. An exciting endeavour I was thrilled to take on.
But it wasn't always been like this for me...
Although I have been interested in the stars ever since I was a kid, I did not have the chance to take that interest of mine and turn it into something that I could be professionally involved in. Maybe because of the boring way lessons were thought in school. Either that or I am just making up excuses to cover for my laziness back when I was failing grades in school. Or perhaps there was some other, more deeper reason that I was not aware of at that time?
Whatever it was that kept me from studying in school, I always had some bits of couriousity for the cosmos - just enough to later spark a passion into life like a newly forming star in its protostellar phase. It was only a matter of time. Luckely that did not take long, and it happened one day when I was watching a documentary called "The Expanding Universe". Now, previously I did not know a lot about the Universe, but this time I was eager to learn, and this documentary did not disappoint. I was very impressed and it really got me thinking. Everything that was said in the documentary was so interesting to learn, but the real eye-opening moment was when they showed a brief overview of what we know about the Universe. It was presented as a cosmic voyage starting from our Earth, traveling through space to the edges of the known Universe...
Whatever it was that kept me from studying in school, I always had some bits of couriousity for the cosmos - just enough to later spark a passion into life like a newly forming star in its protostellar phase. It was only a matter of time. Luckely that did not take long, and it happened one day when I was watching a documentary called "The Expanding Universe". Now, previously I did not know a lot about the Universe, but this time I was eager to learn, and this documentary did not disappoint. I was very impressed and it really got me thinking. Everything that was said in the documentary was so interesting to learn, but the real eye-opening moment was when they showed a brief overview of what we know about the Universe. It was presented as a cosmic voyage starting from our Earth, traveling through space to the edges of the known Universe...
I remember watching this in amazament and disbelief of how vast the Universe actually is! Of course I was prepared to learn some really interesting things, but this was beyond anything I could ever imagine.
Being in my late high school years when I saw this, I would walk to school constantly thinking about what I've just learned - trying to comprehend it, but it was an impossible task. I was so mind blown by it, that this turned out to be the long awaited spark needed to ignite my curiosity in astronomy and space exploration. The Universe that I once regarded as simply mysterious, had now surpassed all of my wildest expectations. It was at that moment that I realized human imagination could not even come close to what reality might have in store for us.
I was now curious like never before. The things that I was learning about the Universe were about to change my entire way of thinking and perception of life...
Being in my late high school years when I saw this, I would walk to school constantly thinking about what I've just learned - trying to comprehend it, but it was an impossible task. I was so mind blown by it, that this turned out to be the long awaited spark needed to ignite my curiosity in astronomy and space exploration. The Universe that I once regarded as simply mysterious, had now surpassed all of my wildest expectations. It was at that moment that I realized human imagination could not even come close to what reality might have in store for us.
I was now curious like never before. The things that I was learning about the Universe were about to change my entire way of thinking and perception of life...
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